Additional body elements

Table of Contents

.. contents:: Here's a very long Table of
   Contents title


.. container:: custom

   This paragraph might be rendered in a custom way.
This paragraph might be rendered in a custom way.


.. topic:: Topic Title

    Subsequent indented lines comprise
    the body of the topic, and are
    interpreted as body elements.

Topic Title

Subsequent indented lines comprise the body of the topic, and are interpreted as body elements.


.. epigraph::

    No matter where you go, there you are.

    -- Buckaroo Banzai

No matter where you go, there you are.

—Buckaroo Banzai

Compound Paragraph

.. compound::

    The 'rm' command is very dangerous.  If you are logged
    in as root and enter ::

        cd /
        rm -rf *

    you will erase the entire contents of your file system.

The ‘rm’ command is very dangerous. If you are logged in as root and enter

cd /
rm -rf *

you will erase the entire contents of your file system.